Illinois Conservation Police on the water in one of their boats.

Where your money goes

The Y-noT Project is honored and humbled by the tremendous outpouring of community support for the Borcia family and for our cause. Your financial support is also very much appreciated, and is essential for The Y-noT Project to accomplish our goals. We feel it is important for you to know where your donations go.
Banner with Tony Borcia's picture on a boat donated to the IL Conservation Police by Y-noT Project.

Support for Law Enforcement

We are currently planning to provide grants toward the purchase of a new patrol boat for the Lake County Sheriff’s Marine Unit. Lake County’s new boat will be on the water this summer!

The Y-noT Project has become a major supporter of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, as well as the Lake County and McHenry County Sheriff’s Office Marine Units. Our goal is to help increase law enforcement presence and effectiveness on the Fox River Waterways and Chain O’Lakes, encouraging safe and sober boating. In fact, over the last ten years, we have issued grants totaling over $313,000 to local law enforcement, and these grants have been used for:

  • A patrol boat and accessories for DNR to increase patrols on the Fox River/Chain of Lakes
  • Other law enforcement equipment such as state-of-the-art breathalyzers, video cameras, radar units, etc. for DNR, Lake County Sheriff and McHenry County Sheriff marine patrol officers
  • An intensive, 56-hour Coast Guard training course for 18 DNR and Lake County Sheriff marine patrol officers
  • Patrol boat engines for McHenry County Sheriff’s Office
  • New patrol boat for Lake County Sheriff’s Office

Support for Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists

The Y-noT Project has provided grants to AAIM to support its Victim Services programs.  These programs are essential in helping the families of victims of impaired drivers and boaters navigate the legal system during criminal proceedings against the impaired drivers.  In addition, AAIM provides grief support groups which bring together people who have suffered similar tragedies.  The Borcia family will be forever grateful to AAIM for the support it provided to them during their ordeal following Tony’s death.

Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists (AAIM) logo

We have also provided financial support to victims of impaired drivers such as Leeslyee Huerta (through AAIM) and Maria Roberts.


Victim Support$2,500
Illinois DNR: Total$179,062
Boat Accessories$26,769
Law Enforcement Equipment$94,649
Lake County Sheriff Marine Unit: Total$73,795
Law Enforcement Equipment$3,795
Grant toward new Patrol Boat$70,000
McHenry County Sheriff Marine Unit: Total $48,373
Boat Accessories$39,321
Law Enforcement Equipment$9152
Coast Guard Training Course$12,000
Grand Total$448,856

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